Departments & Centers

Fibroscan Test

Serial number:   123456

Test Included :


Department : Gastroenterology

Price:   Rs.6500

Fasting Required? : Yes

Approximate time to perform test : 10min

Approximate time to complete test report : 30 min

Home Services Available? : No

FibroScan is a non-invasive medical test used to assess liver health, particularly liver stiffness and fatty changes. It works using transient elastography, a type of ultrasound, to measure the stiffness of the liver tissue. Increased stiffness can indicate fibrosis (scarring) or cirrhosis, while the fat content in the liver (steatosis) can also be assessed.

FibroScan is commonly used in managing chronic liver diseases like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and alcoholic liver disease. It's a quick, painless alternative to a liver biopsy.


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